Dear YKI community,

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I tell you the construction team in China has begun building the play garden! We just received the news that the project will be complete May 17, 2015. Our dream of creating a space for the foster children of Kunming is finally coming to fruition. After a lot of negotiation with the Kunming SWI, we were finally able to finish the last of the paperwork and get going. 

Please check out the photos of the progress below! The beginning of the construction of the play garden is a huge step forward for us. After a year and a half of hard work, commitment, and community, we’re shaking up a corner of the universe. None of this could have been possible without the support of our architects, designers, mentors, the SWI, the foster village, and your ongoing support. Please take a moment to celebrate this small but important moment that you helped contribute to!  The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step, and believe me, we’re taken many and our hard work is showing.

Please make sure to check back with us for more updates as the team in China continues with the construction of the play garden. If you’re wondering what you can do to support us further, please check out our “donate now” page.  Though we raised the necessary funds for the construction of the play garden, funds are still needed to support post-construction projects, training, and of course maintenance. 

With gratitude,
Fang Lee
